Thursday, March 13, 2008

Corvallis Bicycle Co-operative

Corvallis Bicycle Co-operative
A Proposal

We'd like to establish a bike co-op to make it easier for people around Corvallis, OR, to build and maintain bicycles and other human powered, wheeled conveyances. The co-op would facilitate the re-use of components and fabrication of new parts to foster innovative transportation. It would be a fun place to hang out and help other bicyclists.

The co-op could be established and maintained by a Board of Directors, seven people who would eventually be elected or replaced by vote of the membership. Initially, the Board could designate one full-time administrator, provide guidelines for operation, and remove obstacles when they are able.

Obviously, the primary criteria for Board Members are love of bicycling and dedication to the vision presented above. There are specific traits which could serve the cause. We are seeking individuals who:
* Have experience in creation and administration of 501(c)3 non-profit organizations;
* Have had success writing grant proposals;
* Know metal fabrication and have machine tools and/or welding rigs;
* Are certified and/or experienced bicycle mechanics;
* Have friends in the Corvallis government who could help this project to happen.

Please help us to generate excitement for this idea by circulating this proposal. Any suggestions for enhancing or advancing the proposal are welcome. If you fit some of the criteria for a Board Member or know somebody who does, please contact me immediately. Thank you.

Vernon Huffman
My Idea


Blogger crallspace said...

I came through the other day looking for you.

This is a great idea and I hope to be of assistance.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 10:37:00 PM PDT  
Blogger tkn said...


I just linked through your email to the Greens. And I heard about this idea through, guess who, Dan! of course.

I agree, its a great idea and I'd like to participate.

I know how to weld but I don't have a rig. I have a helmet (shade 9-10ish), good for flux core and 7018 stick.

Keep us posted.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 7:26:00 PM PDT  

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